الوحده الثانية الدرس الخامس- انجليزي اول ثانوي اليمن الوحده الثانية الدرس الخامس- انجليزي اول ثانوي اليمن - ملخصات الثانويه العامه في اليمن

الوحده الثانية الدرس الخامس- انجليزي اول ثانوي اليمن

لقراءة الدرس الثالث اضغط على الرابط ادناه

الدرس الرابع انجليزي اول ثانوي اليمن

الوحده الثانية الدرس الخامس- انجليزي اول ثانوي اليمن

Lesson "5"
الأيـــــــام الأولـــــى
The early says

Nouns   الأسماء

Fly boat  قارب طائر


Clear water مياه صافية

Landing stage رحلة الهبوط

Bumpy road طريق كثير المطبات

Fort قلعة

Building مبنى

Iron doors أبواب حديدية

Courtyard فناء  

Sumset غروب الشمس

Wedding party حفلة زفاف

Music موسيقى

Laughter ضحك

Smell  رائحة

Smiling man رجل بشوش

White أبيض

Guest ضيف

Thebe  ثوب

Seat مقعد

Wonderful  جميل

Wash استحمام



Country ريف


Sight منظر

Verbs    الأفـعـــــــال

Reach  يصل إلى

Left  غادر

Landed هبطت

Wait for ينتظر

Drive  يقود

Hurried to أسرع إلى

Watched  شاهد

Filled  ملأ

Met قابل

Decided قرد

Come back يعود


الصفات والظروف

Curlier مبكراً أكث  

Clear  صاف

Later فيما بعد

Bumpy كثير المطبات

Magnificent رائع

Huge ضخم

Iron حديدي

Quick   سريع

Delicious لذيذ

Wonderful  رائع

Questions with model answers: 

1- when did the waiter reach ed dubai? 
----at 5 o'clock in the morning. 
2- where did the writer's plane land ed 
----- on the clear water of the creek. نهير رافد من خليج صغير 
3- why were three cars were waiting for the writer and his friends? 
----- them to drive them to the front at sharjah. 

Summary ملخـــص 

1- the writer and his friends left Bahrain and reached Dubai at 5 o'clock in the evening. 
2- The Plane landed on the clear water of the creek. 
3- There cars were waiting for them. 
4- They were driving along the bumpy road to the front at sharyah. 
5- The fort was a magnificent building with huge iron doors and a large courtyard. 
6- The writer hurried to his room, had a quick wash and then watched the desert sunset. 
7- Later in the evening a wedding party from sharjah arrived. 
8- A smiling man invited the writer to be his guest and have a wonderful time with them at the wedding party. 
9- The writer had spent a very short time in the country but he had met some wonderful People. 
10- He decided to come back same day. 
11- The next morning the writer and his friends were driven back to the creek.نهر 
What was the front at sharjah? 
It was a magnificent building with huge iron doors and a large courtyard. 
Why did the writer hurry to his room? 
------ to have a quick wash. 
What did the writer do after washing? 
------ the washing the writer watched the desert sunset. غروب الشمس فوق الصحراء 
Why did a smiling man invite the writer to be his quest? 
------ to spend a wonderful time with them at a wedding party.
Why was the writer was happy in the country? 
----- because he had met some wonderful people. 
What did the writer decide d to do? Why? 
----- come back to Dubai some day because he enjoyed his visit ther very  much.

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